The word that describes me

My name is Jericho Asuncion Tasic. I'm currently living in Tamag, Vigan City Ilocos Sur. I'm currently 14 years old. I was born in September 15, 2009. I have 2 siblings a girl and a boy . I'm studying at llocos Sur National High School currently 4th year in Junior High
School. I am responsible in our household. Some says that I am lazy but I do household chores. During saturday and sunday, I wash our dishes and even cook rice for my beautiful family. I am dependable and reliable to them.

In addition during weekends, I can say that I am sometimes sporty because I love to play basketball, badminton, and volleyball with my cousins. When it comes to playing. I am energetic, l am active and lively in physical games lifestyle. Beside from that I also love to play online games.I am passionate in playing to the point that my mother will shout at me because I am to focus and talk loudly. In school my mind is always positive when I am with my friend. I am happy and cheerful, I tend to forget all my worries in life with them.

For my future plans my goal is to stable in all aspects of life. To achieve my dreams and goals in life so that to give back my parents hard work. Also one of my future plans is travelling around the world and have a car in future. Having a healthy working environment and have a right partner. Also my goal is prioritise my goal.


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